Performance Fundamentals Training
Instructor: Julie Cramer Bio
Questions: Text Julie at (717) 991-5589
A fun and challenging class meant to introduce dog and handler to rally signs and sequencing, the AKC Canine Good Citizens Advanced Skills plus Trick Dog intermediate skills.
This class will support the dog/handler team at getting a good foundation on skills necessary to compete successfully in rally or obedience.
Some skills covered are heel and front positions, finishing to left and right, heeling games, rear end awareness, intro to jumps, kick back stands and side stepping name a few exercises taught in the Performance Fundamentals Training class.
Prerequisite: Advanced Obedience and/or AKC CGC. Dog age can vary, approximately 9-12 months, but possibly older.
Fee is $130.00 for 6 weeks. Please note, payment is either cash or check only and due at the first class. If paying by check please make check payable to: Julie Cramer.
Class is currently unavailable.