Rally Obedience - Advanced and Excellent
Instructor: Laurie Piaskowski Bio
Questions: Text Laurie at (717) 450-8502 or email mowgliandme247@gmail.com
Rally Advanced/Excellent class is an OFF LEASH class. This class will take the skills you have learned in novice and intermediate rally and transition to working off leash. We will foster excellent communication between dog and handler. This class will prepare you and your dog to compete in ADC Virtual and In-Person Rally Trials. You and your dog will be eligible to earn your AKC Rally Advanced Title (RA) and/or your AKC Rally Excellent Title (RE)
To learn more about AKC Virtual Rally, click here.
Fee is $120.00 for 5 weeks of classes that meet once a week at the same time/day of the week as your first class and is for 55 minutes. Please note, payment is either cash or check only and due at the first class. If paying by check please make check payable to: Laurie Piaskowski.