Advanced Obedience / Beginner Rally and Novice Tricks
Instructor: Laurie Piaskowski Bio
Questions: Text Laurie at (717) 450-8502 or email mowgliandme247@gmail.com
Advanced Obedience class is for dogs and handlers that want to continue working on their relationship as well as learn new skills. Each week we will be on the move practicing basic skills with increased difficulty as well as introduce new skills and commands. We will introduce novice rally maneuvers and novice tricks to start preparing our dogs to compete in either virtual or in-person rally trials or test for their AKC Novice Trick Title (competing is not required!)
Here you will find students encouraging students, cheering and laughter. The bond that is build between dog and handler is magnificent.
Prerequisite: Dogs over 6 months of age that have taken a basic obedience class or a dog with site, down, stay, heel, and recall skills.
Fee is $130.00 for 5 weeks. Please note, Payment is either cash, Venmo @LauriePiaskowski or check made payable to: Laurie Piaskowski. Payment is due on or before the first class.
Class Start Dates:
Thursday, February 27 at 12:00pm